49 The Fear of Not Being Good Enough

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48 The Fear of Success

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47 The Fear of Rejection
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46 The Fear of Failure
Tell me what works for you and you may be featured in my future podcasts! Email jane@janejacksoncoach.com Want a free audio book? Choose from the latest bestselling books! Get your FREE Audible ebook trial: http://www.audibletrial.com/janejacksoncareers
How to Bounce Back from Redundancy
Have you experienced that dreaded ‘tap on the shoulder’ and then asked to attend a private meeting when you’d been feeling an uncomfortable atmosphere of change in your organisation? To then be told that your role has been made redundant can be such a bitter blow and you may feel the air has been sucked […]
What’s Holding You Back? Fear Number Five
Fear Number Five – The Fear of Being Alone How many people admit that we are simply afraid of being alone? This is the fear that keeps us in bad relationships, unsatisfactory work environments, the fear that keeps us from doing what we really want to do simply because we want to fit in with […]
What’s Holding You Back? Fear Number Four
The Fear of Not Being Good Enough Have you set yourself goals – to get fit, lose weight, get that new job, relax more, smile more, have fun again – and found that you let them slip within weeks? Why is this? Is the reason is connected not simply to your genuine desire to make a change but to […]
What’s Holding You Back? Fear Number Three
The Fear of Success Is the fear of success holding you back from achieving what you deserve? Have you thought that what might be holding you back from achieving what you hope for is … the possibility, or even probability, of success? “How ridiculous“, you may think, “What would make me fear Success when Success […]
What’s Holding You Back? Fear Number Two
The Fear of Rejection Every one of us experiences rejection at some time in our lives. It may be when we’re turned down for a job we really want or rejected by a person with whom we want to have a relationship. The truth is that the only people who never experience rejection are […]
What’s Holding You Back? Fear Number One
What’s Holding You Back? Could it be Your Fear of Failure? Or Something Else? You have a dream, a goal that you’ve mulled over and you’ve decided to go for it. A few weeks have now gone by. What have you done? If all you can say is, “Not a lot so far,” then what […]