Take Control of Your Career and Job Search After Redundancy

Man laid off made redundant from work and career

How do you take control of your career after a redundancy? Redundancy is a challenging experience that many professionals face at some point in their careers. It’s important to understand that a redundancy is not a reflection of your abilities or worth. With over 24 years supporting professionals in transition to reinvent their careers, I […]

A Meaningful Life: Billy Joel – “I’ve Loved These Days”

Billy Joel, I've loved these days, A meaningful life

Have the lyrics of a song evoked an emotion so strongly in you that it gave you pause? Billy Joel’s  “I’ve Loved These Days”, for me, is one of those songs. In the hustle and bustle of our professional life, focusing on our career, aiming to ‘get ahead’ or building our business, it’s easy to […]

How ChatGPT Can Help Job Seekers Identify Their Ideal Role

chat GPT find ideal job, job hunting with chatGPT

How can ChatGPT help job seekers find their ideal role? In today’s competitive job market, identifying the right career path can be challenging. Is ChatGPT a useful tool to use in your exploration? Of course, an experienced career coach will explore your options with you, identify any self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, […]

How to Navigate Your Mid-Career Crisis

navigate mid-career crisis, mid-career, navigate career

Are you facing a mid-career crisis? Thinking about making a career change? The good news is that there is a FORMULA for career success! Over the past 22 years as a career transition specialist, while coaching my clients to reinvent their careers, I’ve gained many valuable insights about what it REALLY takes for them to […]

The Future of Work and How to Land a Job in 2024

land a job, 2024 land a job

The future of work and how to land a job in 2024 I always feel an element of excitement as we come towards the end of the year and look towards the start of a New Year.  Now that the Christmas celebrations are over and the last of the ham and turkey has made it […]

Navigating Career Crossroads in 2024 – Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity

navigating career crossroads, career crossroads, career coaching

– Phil S, author The Meat Mate As we approach the year-end, thoughts naturally turn to creating a happier, more successful, and fulfilling 2024. Yet, hope alone won’t pave the way for change; it requires decisive action. What steps are you taking to shape a better future?   At the heart of every successful career […]

LINKEDIN NEWS AUSTRALIA : Changing Careers on LinkedIn

Changing careers, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn, Jane Jackson, career coach

Join in the LinkedIn conversation about what you need to to when thinking about changing careers. LinkedIn News Australia recently posed this question and added insights from career coaches as well as my Sunrise on 7 interview. Have you made a successful career change? What have you experienced when making a career change and what […]

SUNRISE ON 7: Why Australians Change Careers

Jane Jackson, career coach, Sunrise, why australians change careers, career change, careers, how to change careers, how to land a job

Why do Australians Change Careers? Changing careers later in life has become a notable trend in Australia, as it has in many other parts of the world, due to a combination of factors. In my LinkedIn post (below) I share my interview on Sunrise on the Channel 7 morning show in which we discuss why […]

Professional Women Striving for Success

navigating career challenges, professional women

Navigating Conflicting Messages: Professional Women Striving for Success Amidst Changing Dynamics As a career coach who deeply cares about the well-being of professional women, I have noticed a multitude of conflicting news stories recently that has made me question how women can navigate the expectations of society and still be true to ourselves. The media […]