CAREER SUCCESS in the New Year
Do you set intentions or commit to New Year’s resolutions for your career success at the beginning of each year?
As we come to the end of the year and before we head into 2020, let’s reflect back on the resolutions we made at the beginning of this year.
Every New Year sees many of us making an annual pilgrimage back to the gym – ‘To Get Fit’ is a popular resolution [yes, it was one of mine too!] But does it really work?
At the beginning of the year I skipped over to my local gym with great intentions of getting back into dance and aerobic fitness. I enjoyed a fabulous SH’BAM class, felt great at the time however … couldn’t walk the next day as, in my enthusiasm, I overdid it.
My issue was that my knees are a bit dodgy after many years of marathon running, high impact aerobics and overuse. So I decided to take it easy instead, and my realistic fitness goal was to power-walk for 20-30 minutes every morning instead. That was more realistic for me and was achievable with no injuries!
I’ve found that resolutions tend to fall by the wayside quite quickly, and so, for career success, I like to focus on INTENTIONS instead.
Have you thought about your career intentions for the new year?
As a Career Coach I work one-on-one with career transition clients and deliver empowering Career Confidence group workshops in a corporate environment.
That’s why I’m happy to say that setting career goals is a firm trend when the new year arrives and research has found that 45% of us will be investing in up-skilling this year, 37% plan to be more outspoken and take control of their ambitions at work, and 16% are committed to expanding upon our professional network.
So, I’d like to suggest 3 intentions to help you progress in your career this year.
And for additional motivation, here’s a 3-minute video I recorded on New Year’s Eve last year, just after I moved into my new home, to discuss the positive intentions that will keep you on track this year:
SPECIAL OFFER: If you’ve always wanted to start your own business but just didn’t know how to begin, I’ve joined forces with Ingrid Thompson, author of ‘So, You Want to Start a Business?’ to create the Build Your Business Masterclass, and offering it to you for free! This valuable masterclass will help you on your way to become an entrepreneur! Register to attend here.
1. Set Your Intention: Your Learning Potential is Your Earning Potential
According to research by GoodHabitz, the biggest career trend tipped for 2019 is personal development. After Family (66%), A Quiet Life (50%), Experiences/Travelling (46%) and Free time/Hobbies (40%), (which are personal values) the top priority for respondents professionally is:/Putting my talents to usePersonal Development/Putting my talents to use (35%) above Salary, Contribution to the world, Social contacts, an Exciting life and Career.
However, only 10% of organisations globally are taking on full-scale projects to up-skill their workers.
What does that mean for you?
It means that, if your organisation isn’t able to provide you with the training you desire, you have to take matters into your own hands.
Take control of your own education. Do you want support to take control of your career? The Careers Academy Online is my membership site where you have access to career resources and training for your professional and personal development.
In The Careers Academy you will find a free ‘How to Get a Job’ online course, numerous free guides and also special offers on ‘How to Write a Resume’, ‘Personal Branding for Career Success’, ‘LinkedIn for Career Success’, ‘How to Build Confidence’ online programs and much, much more.
Is your intention to develop personally and professionally this year? Then take action and make Your Learning Potential Your Earning Potential.
2. Set Your Intention: Banish Self-Limiting Beliefs and Trust Yourself
High self-esteem and confidence is a key component of success. Whether you are a man or a woman, a dip in your confidence level can have dramatic effects on how you are perceived, and what you achieve at work.
I am on a mission to help you to grow your self-belief, develop your ability to handle life’s little (and big) challenges by assisting you to become resilient.
Yes, we all experience setbacks (and I have had many in my life) however it’s how we deal with those setbacks that form our character. Every setback is an opportunity to develop resilience.
To help you bounce back, in The Careers Academy Online you have the opportunity to explore ‘How to Build Confidence’ – an online program I created to help you through those challenging times and ensure your intention: Banish Self-Limiting Beliefs and Trust Yourself is fulfilled.
3. Set Your Intention: Build Your Network – Your Net Worth
I know … the word ‘networking’ causes many of my clients to cringe … initially! They think that networking is ‘schmoozing’ or behaving like a sycophant for personal gain. But, believe me, networking is neither of those!
Networking is building genuine relationships – not selling, not pitching, it’s the opportunity to get to know another person. (Remember how good it feels to make a new friend?)
If you develop mutual trust and respect with each other then, and only then, may career or business opportunities arise out of the relationship.
The primary focus when networking is to GET TO KNOW THE OTHER PERSON – the real person behind the façade of ‘being a professional business person.’
We are all genuine human beings. Let’s get to know each other, human to human!
This is why #linkedinlocalsydney events are so popular. I co-host these events with Jillian Bullock, and at our events you can be the star of the show (if you wish) however, the focus is on making authentic connections in a warm and friendly environment.
No schmoozing allowed!
Follow me LinkedIn for the links to book our 2020 events.
Expanding your network online is a wonderful thing and then taking those online connections ‘offline’ solidifies the relationship. Combining both is the perfect way to fulfil your intention: Your Network is Your Net Worth.
As a member of The Careers Academy Online you join a group of professionals who are dedicated to expanding their professional network and taking control of their careers. Monthly Group Coaching Sessions are included and you also receive with membership a one-on-one career coaching session with me, and a wealth of career support resources and webinars.
For non-members you can attend one of my Group sessions here: Group Coaching Sessions.
I personally host these career-coaching sessions, and provide coaching and advice in a small group setting.
I’d love to know your intentions for the new year and beyond – pop them in the comments below and I’ll keep you accountable to make them happen.
Together, let’s make next year a happy, healthy and successful year!