How Manage Stress and Develop Resilience for Career Success

Stress management, how to manage stress, develop resilience, stress management, redundancy, layoffs, job hunting

    Have you ever thought, “OMG, How Do I Get Through This?”  When it comes to job loss, the anxiety you may feel when it happens can be debilitating.   No matter how awful this situation it is possible to get through it and not just survive, but THRIVE from the lessons we learn […]

200 Your Mental Health Matters

mental health, world mental health day, Jane Jackson, career coach

If you have ever felt that things are spiralling out of control, reach out for support. Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. For additional support to build your self confidence and improve your mental health, create The […]

How to manage stress during Coronavirus

covid-19, coronavirus, confidence, jane jackson, career coach

Over the past year we have all observed the change in how people are reacting to the Covid-19 pandemic. My concern is how this is affecting businesses, individuals and their careers. The economic impact is huge, and the world is on tenterhooks as we watch the vaccination programmes roll out as the different Covid strains […]

How to Beat Impostor Syndrome

Jane Jackson, impostor syndrome, career coaching, career success, job seeking, careers, top 10 career coach, sydney career coach

Impostor Syndrome Original article first appeared on Michael Page Australia Do you feel the urge to say , “Oh, it was nothing” when you receive a compliment about a job well done? Do you really think that it was nothing and believe that anyone else could’ve done it better than you? Impostor syndrome is when […]

Set Your Intentions for Career Success in the New Year

New Year New Career

CAREER SUCCESS in the New Year Do you set intentions or commit to New Year’s resolutions for your career success at the beginning of each year? As we come to the end of the year and before we head into 2020, let’s reflect back on the resolutions we made at the beginning of this year. […]

7 Deadly Mistakes of Job Seekers

motivation, job seekers, how to find a job, career change, job seeker, jobs, dream job, career, career change, career coach, Jane Jackson

Job Seekers: Are you struggling to find a new job? Is it taking much longer than you expected? Are you starting to lose confidence about getting another job? If every little thing is starting to feel really hard and you’re feeling fed up, you may be making one, or more, of the 7 deadly mistakes […]

How to Build Confidence

confidence, resilience, online confidence course, Jane Jackson, career coach, mental toughtness, grit, wellbeing, wellness, mental health

How to Build Confidence Do people think you’re more confident than you really feel? Have you perfected your face for the world, your protective armour, the way you present yourself so that you seem in control most, or all, of the time? I’ll share a secret with you. Over the years I’ve created an amazing […]

97 Paul Lyons – Mental Toughness

Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson, Paul-Lyons-–-Mental-Toughness

                The Magic Ingredient for success is Mental Toughness – Paul Lyons  After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in his home town of Manchester, England Paul Lyons joined Michael Page International as a recruitment consultant, later emigrating to Sydney where he became Managing Director for Michael Page Australia and then […]

Positive Affirmations to Change Your Life

Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson,Positive Affirmations to Change Your Life

Enjoy these positive affirmations for relaxation, motivation, happiness and success Welcome to your time to relax and feel empowered with these positive affirmations.  Enjoy ten minutes of blissful peace and relaxation to build your self confidence and resilience. Click the link below, close your eyes, settle in and breathe … Allow your eyes to comfortably […]

65 Get a Job – Your Mindset

Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson, Get a Job – Your Mindset

HOW TO GET YOUR DREAM JOB There are 7 episodes in this JOB SEARCH SERIES in this podcast. Many listeners ask me about specifics regarding the job search or career transition process, and from Episode 65 through to Episode 71 I discuss the essential steps to take control of your career and your job search. […]