Article featured in Michael Page Australia: Have you gone through a redundancy, been stood down, furloughed, let go, or fired? Whatever the reason, finding a new job is crucial. This can be a stressful time, and you may feel confused and overwhelmed about what to do next.
Many people tackle their job search process by relying on the easiest option. They make online applications to advertised roles and then wait to be selected for an interview. If they are called for a screening interview, they attend the interview and hope to be selected for the job.
Some applicants may be lucky, however, many more are not. And if you are one of the unsuccessful ones, that’s when your confidence may take a beating.
But the easy option is not a professional approach to secure one of the most important things in your life – a fulfilling career. Abraham Lincoln once said, “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”
The key to an effective job search is to build your confidence by gaining clarity about what you really want and then: preparation, preparation, preparation.