Daily Telegraph, BW Magazine, Jane Jackson, Career Coach, Corporate Job Busters, career, sydney, australia

Thinking about making a career change? Mercedes Maguire recently wrote a feature in BW Magazine in the Daily Telegraph and I was interviewed on what professionals must consider before making a career change.  Here’s what she reported:

“Sydney Career Coach, Jane Jackson, says a lot of people are in jobs they dislike because they have no idea how to move careers or are just not sure what else they may be good at.

‘There are a lot of people who get very stuck in their job or profession and just don’t know what else they can possibly do,’ the author of Navigating Career Crossroads says.  ‘Over time they can end up confused, lacking confidence and lost.’

Ms. Jackson says those people should find out what their true values are.

‘You have to ask yourself, ‘what makes me tick?’,” she says. ‘Whether it is speaking to others, working with technology, analysis, or managing relationships, find out what is most important to you.

‘High competency and a high engagement level will lead you to a job you’re good at and a career you will likely flourish in.’

To identify what is most important to you, your values, your skills and knowledge, what unique qualities you bring to the world or work, AND how to project your powerful brand to attract job opportunities, Personal Branding for Career Success is an online course that guides you towards career mastery.

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Your Career Podcast is filled with fascinating conversations with professionals who have successfully made interesting career changes.  To listen and be inspired, click here!

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