5 Steps to Raise Your Emotional Intelligence

EQ, emotional intelligence, leadershiup

Emotional intelligence (EQ) matters just as much as intellectual ability (IQ) when it comes to personal and professional relationships and leadership capabilities. A high level of emotional intelligence helps you to build stronger relationships, be a better leader, create success at work, and achieve your career and personal goals. What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence […]

How Manage Stress and Develop Resilience for Career Success

Stress management, how to manage stress, develop resilience, stress management, redundancy, layoffs, job hunting

    Have you ever thought, “OMG, How Do I Get Through This?”  When it comes to job loss, the anxiety you may feel when it happens can be debilitating.   No matter how awful this situation it is possible to get through it and not just survive, but THRIVE from the lessons we learn […]

43 Angela Counsel – Health & Wellness Coach

Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson, Angela Counsel – Health & Wellness Coach

Where to find Angela: Website: www.angelacounsel.com Free ebook: www.secretmumsbusiness.net.au/secret-mums-business-e-book Twitter: @angelacounsel Get your FREE Audible ebook trial: http://www.audibletrial.com/janejacksoncareers

Relax … 10 minute Meditation

Give yourself the gift of ten minutes of time to refocus, relax and be at peace.  Take time to breathe and be taken on a guided visualisation through an enchanted forest where the only thing that matters is to be in the present moment.  Transition into a peaceful meditation and when you open your eyes […]