NEWSCORP: Australian Workers Most Likely to Get a Pay Rise This Year

Herald Sun, sun herald, herald, Sun, jane jackson, top sydney career coach, australia career coach

Original article in the Herald Sun by Melanie Burgess Careers deputy editor Australian employers might be feeling more generous than last year, but some employees are more likely to get a pay rise than others. Two thirds of workers believe they should get a decent pay rise this year, but just 12 per cent of […]

BT FINANCIAL: Wealth Building for Women

BT financial group, bt financial, wealth building, pay rise, salary raise, jane jackson, career coach, sydney, australia, linkedin trainer

Original article featured in BT Financial Group . Interview by Carmarlena Murdaca. Although the principles of wealth building apply to both men and women, there are circumstances where women, in particular, can be left vulnerable as they navigate the gender pay gap,1 the super gap and the gaping hole in their earnings, while taking time out […]

SEEK.COM.AU: Say This for a Pay Rise, jane jackson, career coach, sydney, australia, seek

Want a Pay Rise? Say This! Original article featured in Few things are as nerve-racking as asking for a pay rise. But with the right words, you can make sure you’re putting your best foot forward when asking for more money. Once you’ve done the prep work required, use this script for guidance on […]

SEEK.COM.AU: How to Prepare for the Pay Rise Conversation, jane jackson, career coach, sydney, australia, seek

How to Prepare for the Pay Rise Conversation Original article on Lindy Alexander interviews Jane Jackson for this Seek article:  It’s never easy going to your manager and having a conversation about why you think you should get a pay rise. It can feel awkward and sometimes self-doubt around your own worth can creep in. […]