Feeling like the weight of the world is on top of you? Gift yourself ten minutes to refocus, relax and be at peace. 

Breathe and be taken on a guided visualisation where the only thing that matters is to be present and in the moment. 

I have created two meditations for you. One for total relaxation and to calm your mind, the other is for self-empowerment and to let you know that YOU ARE ENOUGH just the way you are.

Transition into a peaceful meditation and when you open your eyes you will be ready to make today a good day.

positive affirmations, meditation, mindfulness
mindfulness, meditation, 10 minutes of peace, peace, transcendental meditation

Listen on Spotify:

3 Responses

  1. This link doesn’t work, also unable to find the podcast with this meditation on Spotify.

    1. Thank you for letting me know, Andy. Please try again – the links have been updated and you will now find two 10-minute relaxation meditations that will relax and recharge you.

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