Do you need to manage stress? Are you under the pump and feeling the pressure?  Is the stress getting to you?  It’s time to take action now!

If you’re feeling the pressure of too many obligations weighing down on you, stop, breathe and ask yourself, ‘What, specifically, is making me feel stressed?’

Are you facing a tight deadline?  Are you feeling guilty if you don’t follow through on an obligation you’ve committed to?  Do you feel pressured to do something that someone else wants you to do?    The answer could be as simple as saying, “No.”

Of course there will be consequences to saying, “No.”  Evaluate your obligations and decide upon what is important to you.  Not what’s important to other people, what is important to YOU.  Then identify what is urgent and what is not urgent.

A useful resource is Steven Covey’s ‘First Things First’ in which he identifies the four quadrants of time management:

manage stress, first things first, stress management, productivity, career coach, career, career coaching

How to Manage Stress

Covey’s principles assist you to prioritise your time.  Learning to say “No” will simplify your life and help you to manage stress, so that you’ll be more productive without feeling stressed and constantly under pressure.

There are plenty of things out there just waiting to eat up your free time and increase your stress.  If you never turn down requests for your time and talents you may be viewed as a fabulous person who is constantly giving.  And giving.  Are you the ‘go to’ person whenever anyone is in need of anything?

It can feel so good to be so needed, as it is like validation of your self worth.  It feels like validation but it isn’t if you really think about it. (In one of my earlier posts I asked if you believe you are ‘enough.’  Enough just by being you.  Not for what you are DOING. Take a breather and read Have You Ever Been Still?)

If you don’t say, “Yes,” then who will bake the cakes for the fundraiser or coach your daughter’s netball team?  How will your friends manage without you if you don’t attend the latest social event?  What will happen to the committee if you don’t continue to be the treasurer?  What will happen to your career if you don’t work overtime every single night?  The answer may not be simple, but you should still consider these reasons for not saying, “Yes.”

To help build your self confidence to handle life’s challenges, How to Build Confidence online course guides you step-by-step to take control of your life and career

manage stress, how to build confidence, confidence building, self-confidence, how to gain confidence, Jane Jackson

How to say NO!

It’s a very small word.  However it is hard to say at times.   Here are some things to keep in mind when you need to say no:

If you are used to saying, “Yes” all or most of the time, it will take some practice to say, “No” at the right times.  Learning to do so is an important part of simplifying your life.   A better, stress-free life.


Do you need help to gain clarity in your life or in your career?  Book a complimentary exploratory chat and connect with me on LinkedIn:

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