As a career coach, I enjoy sharing ideas with others passionate about helping others in their careers. One such professional is Kyle Elliot, MPA, CHES, who has enjoyed an interesting career journey himself before becoming Caffeinated Kyle!

Join us during this lively interview in which we share the values, passion and purpose in our careers in order to help YOU to find yours, in YOUR CAREER Podcast!

As promised in our podcast interview, here’s the link to download your FREE Job Search Guide.

Kyle Elliott, MPA, CHES is the founder and career coach behind He is also a self-proclaimed Starbucks addict. As a result of working with Kyle, students through c-suite executives have landed jobs at Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and nearly every other Fortune 100/500 company you can think of. They have also found happiness.

His passion for coaching has positioned him to present and motivate people on the topics of professional development, mental health and/or social justice. Audiences have included Fortune 100/500 companies, startups, government agencies, nonprofits and university campuses, among many others.

Kyle is an official member of the invitation-only Forbes Coaches Council and a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) through the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. He is also a proud alum of San Francisco State University, where he completed his Bachelor of Science in Health Education, and the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance at University of Washington, where he completed his Masters of Public Administration (MPA).

And finally, while Kyle Elliot has received national and international recognition and awards for his work, he is most proud of being dubbed ‘Mr. Loquacious’ by his fifth grade teacher.

Where to find Kyle:



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