Thank you to Dymocks Australia for hosting my book signing in their beautiful bookstore in the heart of Sydney’s CBD this week.
Organised by my fabulous and very supportive publisher, Omne Publishing, the event brought in an enthusiastic crowd who enjoyed the speeches, lined up to get their copies of Navigating Career Crossroads signed and enjoyed a glass or two of champagne.
I was so fortunate to share the evening with Karen Sander, Author of Ageing Fearlessly and between us we hit just the right demographic for the current job search climate in Australia.
The Australian Government is raising the retirement age to 70, this is the highest retirement age in the world. What this means for Australians is that they will have to work longer before being able to access the age pension.
There is considerable concern about remaining in the workforce at this mature age and whenever I coach my mature career transition clients they always ask me, “Am I too old to be hired?” It’s a real worry for many of them and so I focus on how they can remain relevant and in demand when looking for a new job.
For mature job seekers it’s important to keep their skills current, be aware of the latest methodology and technology that is used in their industry. What is most important is to keep an open, flexible and positive attitude to working with others who may be much younger. Mature workers have a lot of experience to offer and can make excellent mentors however younger team members can also be excellent mentors to the older workers as they will be up to speed with the latest techniques and requirements of each role.
As Karen Sander of Ageing Fearlessly says, “Don’t be defined by a number.” Attitude is key to living a vital and healthy life. In order to be a valuable member of the workforce you must do all you can to remain fit and healthy in mind, body and spirit.