Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson, Esther McKay – Forensic Investigator



It was my pleasure to interview Esther McKay who is an inspiring keynote speaker and advocate for Veterans Affairs and Social Justice and I am honoured to share her story in this podcast.

Esther is a retired Forensic Investigator, bestselling author and social justice campaigner who is a passionate and long-standing mental health advocate dedicated to raising awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health issues, improving conditions and creating better support services.

After a long career in the NSW Police Force where she worked in Forensic Services, Esther was was medically discharged in 2001 with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a direct result of her forensic work.

Despite her diagnosis Esther has used her experiences to provide education, support and inspiration to help others, writing two bestselling books, Crime Scene and Forensic Investigator, that provide a critical insight into life as a police and crime scene officer, as well as starting a vital conversation about mental health in the emergency services.

Esther founded the Police Post Trauma Support Group within the MacArthur area in NSW and She has worked actively and tirelessly for the past ten years supporting and coordinating services to both serving and retired police who suffer from work-based trauma

Esther works for NSW Police Legacy helping former police officers and their families, speaks regularly as keynote speaker to government departments, universities, schools and the corporate sector on mental health, women’s issues, overcoming PTSD and forensic work, all areas in which she is passionate about.

Esther is the Patron of the Missing Persons Register and has served as an Australia Day Ambassador.

Find more about Esther:

For speaking engagements:

Police Post Trauma Support Group:

If you need help to build your self confidence, this online workshop will provide you with the tools to set you on your way:

how to build confidence, confidence training, career coach, Jane Jackson

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