Has Your Job Search Stalled? 7 Tips to Help You Land Your Next Job
Did you launch your job search activities with a burst of energy, set goals, seek support and launch your actions plan with lots of positive energy and hope? Did you get plenty of initial positive response from helpful friends, colleagues and business contacts, feel great about the process and then suddenly everything ground to a […]
163 Alexandra Galviz #LinkedInLocal Co-Founder
This is a very special episode as it comes 2 days before the 9th #LinkedInLocalSydney event on 7th November, one which brings 5 LinkedIn Experts together to share the latest LinkedIn insights and to raise funds for Buy a Bale, to support drought stricken farmers in New South Wales, Australia. SPECIAL GUEST ALEXANDRA GALVIZ As Alexandra […]
Why Authentic Relationships Matter for your Career and your Business
Authentic Relationships. Does it really matter? As a career coach and LinkedIn trainer, I coach job seekers and those progressing in their careers to expand their network and connect with people. I encourage them to find mentors who share their values; to ask for guidance and advice from those they know, like and trust. I […]
Business Networking for Beginners – Part Two
Business Networking for Beginners (Click here to read Part 1) You’ve arrived at your business networking event, and your intro is running through your head. At some point there is going to be ‘open networking’. This is your chance to make the most of being at the event and your moment to shine! You will […]
Business Networking for Beginners – Part One
Business networking is certainly nothing new, but the recent explosion of networking opportunities fuelled by social media can make the proposition of entering the networking fray a confusing and ultimately time-consuming activity for business owners wanting to make new contacts and grow their businesses. The number one thing to remember before you even enter the […]
52 Christmas Job Hunting
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34 Networking at a Conference
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Lost your job? How to get another one fast!
Is there a redundancy looming? Have you just been tapped on the shoulder and told you’re no longer needed? Have you been given the proverbial boot? Now you’re a job seeker, here are some things you MUST do before launching your job search campaign to get back on your feet and into a new job […]
The Ultimate Guide to Networking for Job Seekers: 7 Golden Rules to Follow
When it comes to networking, some people believe serendipity is luck, chance or accidental. When it happens, I believe it is meant to happen at that moment, right where you are. However, there are times when you can create your own serendipity … or at least create a likely situation where it may occur! Let’s […]
Is the Recruiter your Friend?
THE RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT – FRIEND OR FOE? Working with recruiters : Understand the best way to approach recruitment consultants, develop a mutually respectful relationship with them and the job seeking process will be smoother. Yes, it’s time consuming to research and find the right recruitment consultants to work with, deciding on the best way […]