DARE Magazine: Australian Seniors Crossing the (Invisible) Age Barrier

Dare Magazine, reach your career goals with a career coach, career coach, Jane Jackson, sydney career coach

Interview in July/August 2024 Issue of Dare Magazine for Australian Seniors. For many of us, staying in a stable job has long been the ‘safer’ option. But that’s all changing, with new LinkedIn research showing 76% of Australians are considering jumping ship. And for 49% of them, it’s all about boosting that pay packet. This […]

ICF: Can a Career Coach Help With Your Job Search?

ICF, career coach, job search, Jane Jackson, international coaching federation,

The ICF [International Coaching Federation] featured my interview in DARE Magazine in their latest ICF members blog post. “ICF member Jane Jackson, quoted in this article about job search and career coaching published in Australian Seniors “Anyone can hang up a shingle and call themselves a coach, so finding one who’s had formal training and credentials […]

DARE MAGAZINE: Reach Your Career Goals with a Career Coach

Dare Magazine, reach your career goals with a career coach, career coach, Jane Jackson, sydney career coach

Dare Magazine interview on how to reach your career goals with a career coach. Interview by Rachel Smith, Illustration by The Project Twins. Given the average employee will clock up around 90,000 hours at work during their lifetime, your career can have a huge impact on your wellbeing. And if you’re unhappy at work, or […]