Collective Hub, Jane Jackson, Values, Workplace Values, career coach, sydney, australia, leadership, executive coach


Published in Collective Hub, 19 July 2017. By 

I was interviewed by Lizza Gebilagin for this article in Collective Hub. Here’s an excerpt:

Forget the workplace hierarchy for a second

“Take yourself off your pedestal as you are not admonishing them. You are simply discussing an area that requires attention,” career management coach Jane Jackson says. “Rather than criticise, ask how they felt the situation, problem, project or issue went and if they think it went as well as expected. Ask them if things could have gone better.”

Once you’ve let them give their side, then you can provide your view. “They may then come to their own solution for improvement or you could say, ‘I have some suggestions that could help for the future…’ and then ask for their comments afterwards,” Jane says.

“Remember that constructive criticism must come from a position of genuine care and love. It helps the recipient to grow and learn. Criticism for the sake of criticising is an ego-driven activity that satisfies no-one except you and has no place in the workplace.”

To read the whole article click here

Jane Jackson, Collective Hub, career coach, sydney, australia


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