In her youth, Nadine Champion loved the film The Karate Kid and spent twenty years learning profound life changing lessons from her own Mr. Miyagi style teacher – Benny “the Jet” Urquidez, an undefeated World Champion fighter. She is dedicated to using the knowledge she has gained through martial arts as a metaphor for life – to transform the way people think and feel about themselves.
Nadine is dedicated to using the knowledge she has gained through martial arts as a metaphor for life – to transform the way people think and feel about themselves.
As a highly respected teacher known for creating a high-performance mindset in people from all walks of life, Nadine’s passion is to challenge individuals and organisations to change their thinking to reach their highest potential.
Armed with a zest for life born of authentic lived experience, Nadine uses her own inspirational story to ignite resilience and courage in others. Her dream is to build a community of people using 10 Seconds of Courage to achieve their dreams.
In this podcast episode, Nadine shares her career journey and how she has developed incredible resilience and self-reliance despite the huge challenges life has thrown at her. We discuss the success mindset and the importance of making a difference in the world. This is exactly what Nadine is doing as a global speaker and coach. Listen to her inspiring TEDx talk, Sydney 2015, that, lucky for all of us, thrust her onto the world stage and touched our lives.
Nadine received a B.Soc.Sc (Criminology) from the University of New South Wales, has a penchant for sausage dogs and lives in Sydney, Australia.
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Where to find Nadine:
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Twitter: @nadinechampion_
Facebook: @10secondsofcourage