Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson, Anthony Wilson – Proximity Risk & Assurance



Anthony Wilson is the Founder of Proximity Risk & Assurance, a niche consultancy focussed on equipping front line business employees with the training and skills to perform their role in risk management and Partner at ABM Risk Partnership.

I always admire professionals who have a genuine desire to help the community as well as a talent for entrepreneurship.  Anthony is one who is dedicated to assisting the community by leveraging his passion for aviation, piloting his Beechcraft and making Angel Flights to assist those requiring urgent medical attention. He flies patients from remote areas in NSW to cities where they receive the medical care they need.

We have a fascinating conversation about his career journey, discuss what it takes to be a successful risk management professional. Anthony possesses an unwavering belief that an effective risk management program is a game changer for improving organisational performance. He is a firm believer that risk management isn’t a panacea to all an organisation’s ills, but rather a key element of a business leader’s toolkit. Unless organisations can clearly articulate their objectives and identify the threats and opportunities to achieving them, then performance is likely to be mediocre at best.

Anthony is so passionate about risk management that he is also now host of his own podcast called Mastering Risk Management where he interviews top risk management leaders.

In this podcast episode, I interview Anthony about his early years and his more recent career transition when I was his coach when he made the switch from corporate life to entrepreneurship.

Here’s a quick overview:

For 10 years, Anthony Wilson was the General Manger of Risk & Safety and then the Chief Audit Executive at Woolworths Limited before setting up Proximity Risk & Assurance and joining ABM Risk Management as a Partner.

He holds a Masters degree in Management (MGSM) and a Masters in Risk Management (UNSW) and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors.

He is a founding member of the Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Australasia, a member of the Risk Management Institution of Australasia, a non-executive Director of the Woolworths Employees Credit Union and Chair of its Board Governance and Remuneration Committee.

Anthony has been involved in establishing core capabilities in key areas such as Procurement, Acquisitions, Licensing, Program Management and the establishment of Enterprise Risk Management.

Proximity Risk & Assurance focuses on assisting organisations to realise their true potential through great risk management – protecting and creating value.

Anthony’s top tips for success:

  1. Persevere
  2. Keep learning
  3. Appreciate the great people you work with

If you’re thinking of making a career change and need support, join me in The Careers Academy Online where you will receive on-going career management and career transition support – membership is free!

 Jane Jackson, the careers academy, careers, career, career coach, how to get a job

Where to find Anthony:

Twitter: @4RiskCMe

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