THE CONTENT BYTE Podcast: How to Reinvent Your Career

Jane Jackson, The Content Byte, Rachel Smith, Podcast, podcast guest, podcast interview, career coach, career counsellor, career coaching, sydney career coach

With the last year bringing so much uncertainty to the media industry, Rachel Smith and Lynne Testoni, hosts of The Content Byte asked me about how journalists can reinvent their careers. They know former colleagues who have moved to onto other roles – and even whole new careers. However, it can be a tricky switch, […]

Rachels List: Just been retrenched?

Rachels List, Jane Jackson, Career coach, Sydney, Australia

Interview by Rachel Smith of Rachels List. “Running a jobs board, you hear a lot from people who have been retrenched or are doing it tough out there in the media / digital landscape – and I’ve long followed careers coach Jane Jackson, who has a personal interest in helping those in our industries get […]