Keith Keller has had an fascinating career journey from early dreams to be a radio show host to becoming a musician writing and performing songs in his heavy metal, leather pants style delivering music he describes as ‘Bon Jovi singing to the Dalai Lama’ then realising that was not going to pay the bills which resulted in years in roles that paid well but did not feed his soul.
At 40 he decided it was time to take control of his career and do what he believed was his calling. He became a global career coach and was the host of Career Success Radio for many years reaching audiences live across the globe inspiring them to also take control of their careers. He did this well until he was inspired by Brian Tracy who said, “Make a decision to go all the way to the top of your field. Make a decision today to join the top 10%. There is no one and nothing that can hold you back from being the best and achieving your career goals except yourself.”
Then and there Keith turned his focus into becoming in the top 10% of Twitter Specialists and that’s where he is today – way up there in the top 1%! In fact, thanks to Twitter, one event that he was involved in recently reached over 4.2 million people in one day!
Listen in to find out about how he reaches millions through his Twitter feed, podcasts on iTunes and Soundcloud and through his ebooks and online training as well as one-on-one coaching.